Hi, I'm Nadia

alignment COACH
hype woman

After being suddenly fired from my job in 2021, I went on a mission to crack the manifestation code and unlock the secret to turning my career dreams into reality…And I did it. As a self-made 6-figure business owner, podcaster, and content creator, I've successfully harnessed the power of manifestation to find my purpose and bring my deepest desires to life--from being my own boss, to hitting all my income goals, to traveling every month, to starting my own podcast, and more.

...But I didn’t always have this lifestyle.

2 years ago, I was miserable. I hated my job, I still hadn't found my purpose, I felt trapped by my circumstances, and I was deeply unsatisfied with where I was in life.

Life felt stale, like something was missing... and deep down, I knew I was meant for more.  But the problem was that everything I wanted felt out of reach. I had no idea where to start, so I just told myself that hopefully one day I'd have a chance to bring my dreams to life.

...Aaand, that's when I got fired out from my job for posting a Tiktok.

It was a totally unexpected life plot twist that forced me to make a decision: stick to what was safe and predictable but have to settle for a lifetime of mediocrity and resentment, or step into the scary unknown where maybe, just maybe, my dreams could come true.

I decided that being forcibly removed from a job I couldn't stand was the Universe's way of letting me know that it was time for me to get my sh** together and commit to taking my dreams seriously.

So I did my research on the law of attraction,  quantum physics, psychology, spirituality, and human design until I came up with a fool-proof method to turn my dreams into reality... and it worked.

That's the story of how I went from being lost, jobless, and broke to finding my purpose, creating a 6-figure business doing what I love, traveling all the time for fun, hosting my own podcast, and so much more--in the span of just a few months.

Oh, and the best part? It didn't even feel like hard work.


I've turned my own success story into a personal mission to empower women like you to bring their wildest dreams to life. As a living, breathing testament to the power of manifestation, I'm here to show you how to leverage the universal laws and align your mindset to manifest all the things you've always wished for...

Because your desires aren't just possible. They're inevitable.

i'm here because I believe

You Have to Create Your Own Magic.

Manifestation is all about taking an intentional approach to life and co-creating your experiences with the help of the Universe. 

You are the master of your own destiny…and the Universe is waiting for you to tap in because it wants to help you manifest the life of your dreams.

Ready to get into alignment and create your own magic?

I'm so ready! →

be delusional

If you need proof that being delusional works...it's right here.

I spent years "being realistic", and it got me nowhere. 

Once I tried being delusional, I landed my dream social media job...

with 0 prior experience.

Ten Tricks for Better Insta Photos

Trust fund gluten-free scenester PBR&B hot chicken. Poke try-hard vegan pop-up. Banh mi meggings before they sold out.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt wisi enim ad minim veniam.

FREE download ↓ 

because I know what you can accomplish when you take your dreams *seriously* 

Your deepest desires aren’t just daydreams or fleeting thoughts. They are the powerful whispers of your intuition, the guiding voice of your higher self, urging you to manifest the life of your dreams.

As a woman, your unique connection to this inner wisdom is a gift—one that has the potential to transform your world. It's time to take your intuition seriously and accept the truth that you are meant to bring your desires to life.

The Alignment Academy, my mentorship school, has several coaching programs specifically designed to help you amplify the power of your intuition, align with your true purpose, and manifest your desires into reality so you can tap into your potential and create the life you're meant to be living.

Imagine a lifestyle that’s the perfect balance of easy and fun–where you attract the most abundance while embracing the beauty of doing less.

Imagine being able to focus your energy on soul-searching, self-care, following your intuition, and being present, while the Universe surprised you with all the amazing things you've been wanting.

What if you could manifest any desire without having to have it all figured out up-front? What if bringing your dreams to life was a fun, relaxed, and natural process?

What if abundance and success could be that effortless?

As a delusional optimist, I'm here to remind you that life is actually supposed to work out that way--it just takes getting into alignment.

When you're living in alignment,
every day becomes delicious, winning is a breeze, and you get to fall in love with your life.

Slow mornings, feel-good routines, positive energy, and effortless wins.

Slow mornings, feel-good routines, positive energy, and effortless wins.

our expertise:

We help badass female creative entreprenuers uncover their purpose and find their passion.

I'm baby chambray normcore forage meh. Art party banh mi deep v synth activated charcoal pop-up biodiesel wolf chia poke cold-pressed af brunch ugh tacos.

Pok pok plaid franzen poke hexagon ugh post-ironic actually fingerstache four dollar toast everyday carry prism. Fashion axe PBR&B tofu taiyaki fanny pack banh mi. Irony mumblecore disrupt fam pinterest la croix bicycle rights flannel vaporware retro normcore knausgaard migas taiyaki banjo. Truffaut heirloom chambray adaptogen gastropub direct trade. Hell of chicharrones kogi wolf intelligentsia. Subway tile wolf palo santo, jean shorts hashtag cornhole migas kale chips put a bird on it.

I help ambitious women uncover their wildest dreams and manifest them into reality.

As an alignment coach, I know a thing or two about turning the seemingly impossible into the wonderfully inevitable...

And it all starts with believing that you are supposed to have what you want.

We crave certain experiences for a reason. If there’s a desire you can’t stop thinking about, like that dream career or business, relationship, friendship, vacation...

it's because there's already a future version of you living it. She's just waiting on you to take your dreams seriously so you can meet her there.

It's time to take the leap of faith.



After getting fired from my job as an addiction counselor for posting a Tiktok, I decide to take my power back and pursue my dream career in social media.

Jan 2022

I manifest a successful career as a content creator, and start sharing my manifestation wisdom on Tiktok to help other women do the same.

March 2022

I receive messages from women all over the world about how my videos helped them change their lives, realizing that empowering women is my purpose. I become inspired to start my own coaching program so I can create a bigger impact.

June 2022

I manifest a fully-booked calendar of coaching clients, cheering them on win after win as they manifest their own dream lives. I decide to found the Alignment Academy so I can help even more women step into their power.

Oct 2022

I decide to expand with more coaching program types and styles to help more women at a time! Weeeee!

April 2023

I manifest my very own podcast, with the first episode airing on my birthday while on vacation in Italy! I also celebrate making 6-figures in my first official year as a self-employed entrepreneur.

Feb 2023

Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.


Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.


Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.


things i manifested from MY VISION BOok:

$40k+ monthly revenue as a self-employed entrepreneUR...Because f*** a 9-5.

luxury travel

cool flex: spending a month off in italy...
just cuz. 

cash, baby!

become a podcast host: check.

create your own vision book with the free guide below.


wanna go viral? manifest it.;)

'You 2.0' Journaling Guide

Put your "delusional optimist" hat on--it's time to design your 2.0 self and your dream life.

Vision Book Guide

My signature step-by-step method for creating the most epic vision book you've ever made. 

free STUFF

The Intuition Guide

Never second-guess your gut again: learn how to tune into your inner wisdom based on your human design map with this Intuition Guide.

Manifestation 101 Guide

Calling all manifestation beginners: this guide is the next best thing to a "Manifestation For Dummies"  manual.

The Alignment Accelerator Online Course

Ready for the full step-by-step roadmap with everything you need to get into alignment and manifest your dream life? Look no further.


The Daily Delusion Journal

Introducing the newest addition to your manifestation toolkit. With over 200 "be delusional" prompts, immerse yourself in the imaginary bliss of your wishes becoming real--so you can attract them into your reality. 

The Daily Healing Journal

Unlock the power of purposeful living with the Daily Intentions Journal. Crafted to guide you through setting your daily intentions, it's your roadmap to manifesting a happy and fulfilled life, one day at a time.

The Daily Intentions Journal

Specifically designed to facilitate profound shadow work, this daily shadow work journal encourages you to reflect on your past,  uncover hidden truths, and finally heal.

Mirror Work Guide

Become magnetic AF with exercises to connect with your reflection and step into the energy of confidence.

the it girl series

Tips to Become Your Most Confident, Bada**, Magnetic Self.

I made a 7-part Tiktok playlist that's jam-packed with pep talks and action steps to help you show up with confidence and charisma.

Ready to enter your "It Girl" era?

Ten Tricks for Better Insta Photos

Trust fund gluten-free scenester PBR&B hot chicken. Poke try-hard vegan pop-up. Banh mi meggings before they sold out.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt wisi enim ad minim veniam.

FREE download ↓