it's time to start a new chapter with alignment coaching.

The Alignment Accelerator

The Alignment Academy

Are you ready to wake up each day feeling energized, confident, and clear on your path to success?

Are you ready to let go of everything that's holding you back, embrace your full potential, and step into the life of your dreams?

I'm so ready! →

What if you could wave a magic wand and make your dreams come true?

Imagine being able to make your wishes become a reality...without having to know the HOW.

Imagine holding the power to effortlessly manifest your dream career, relationship, business, or vacation.. without having to map out every step to get there.

Imagine the opportunities you dream about all day falling right into your lap.

But guess what...

You only feel that way because you're out of alignment.

And I know that because not too long ago, I was in the same exact boat. I was burned out, depressed, bored of my career, and stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. But when I suddenly got fired from my job, I took it as a sign that it was time for me to take the manifestation game seriously...

...and get my energy into alignment what feels right for me.


The alignment academy

The ultimate catalyst for personal breakthroughs: The Alignment Academy is a mentorship school with several different alignment coaching programs and modalities, each designed to fast-track your journey of discovering your true purpose, unlocking your highest potential, and manifesting the life of your dreams.

Let's break it down

Here's What You'll Learn


pillar 1

Decode Your Human Design Map

Alignment isn't a one-size-fits-all approach--your sweet spot depends on your unique Human Design Map, which is like your energetic blueprint based on your birth time that tells you what you need in order to feel motivated, happy, and aligned. In our programs, you'll learn how to:

  1. DISCOVER YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF: Interpret each element of your personal map so you can understand and embrace the way you were designed to function.
  2. TAP INTO YOUR POTENTIAL: Understand your innate strengths and superpowers are so you can lean more into them and share your magic with the world. 
  3. SAY GOODBYE TO THE OLD YOU: Let go of who you were taught to be so you can fully step into your authenticity and live by your design.


pillar 2

Get Clear on Your Vision

If you want to get manifest your dream life, you need a cohesive vision to stay accountable to. In Pillar 2, you'll learn how to:

  1. CLARIFY YOUR DESIRES: Design every aspect of your most ideal future--without getting overwhelmed with the details.
  2. FIND YOUR PURPOSE: Discover the specific mission your energy type was designed to accomplish in this lifetime, so you can find and pursue your purpose without having to guess first.
  3. DEFINE + REFINE: Journal your goals and make a super cute vision board so you can keep your energy aligned with your ultimate vision.


pillar 3

Embody Your Vision

When you think, feel, and act in alignment with your ideal future, you manifest it into the present moment--which is how it comes to life. In the third pillar, you'll learn how to:

  1. SHOW UP AS YOUR MOST POWERFUL SELF: Practice genuine self-love so you can feel real confidence and be your own biggest fan.
  2. TAKE INSPIRED ACTION: Follow your intuition so you can take action from a place of alignment instead of frustration and anxiety.
  3. FEEL MORE POSITIVE: Step into your feminine energy so you can be more present and enjoy life to the fullest.
  4. BELIEVE IN YOUR VISION: Finally stop overthinking how or when your dreams will happen so you can let go of doubts and fully surrender to the process.


Pillar 4

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is like a computer that stores your programming, or your most deeply-rooted moods and beliefs. When your programming is out of alignment, you stay stuck because unconscious habits will keep pulling you back into old cycles. In the fourth pillar, you'll learn how to:

  1. LET GO OF LIMITING BELIEFS: Fully release the past and any unaligned thoughts and behaviors so you can stop self-sabotaging.
  2. DEVELOP RESILIENCE: Regulate negative emotions like stress and anxiety so your moods can't throw you off track.
  3. CREATE AN ALIGNMENT ROUTINE: Implement daily, weekly, and monthly alignment rituals that help you stay on the right path and keep building momentum.

the results

By the End of Your Journey with the Alignment Academy, You Will:


Have a crystal-clear vision of who you are and what you want.


Get your energy into alignment and unlock your manifestation powers.


Kick imposter syndrome +  overthinking to the curb and finally believe in yourself.


See the real-life proof of your inner work as you effortlessly attract your success.


Have a lifetime toolkit full of resources to stay in alignment.

apply NOw

“This experience has been the best investment I ever made into my personal growth. ”

- Lauren C.

you can apply right now - it only takes 10 minutes.

A year from now, you'll be wishing you started today.

How Enrollment Works

submit an application

Answer a few questions on our simple online coaching application, which takes about 10 minutes.

Boom, you're in!

If you're offered a spot, you'll be able to enroll in your selected program right away and get started on your journey!

schedule a free clarity call

We'll email you a link to schedule a free 45-minute clarity call with one of our onboarding specialists, where we'll discuss your goals in-depth to see if you're a good fit for one of our coaching programs.


kiah manifested her dream job

I went from being unemployed with 0 clarity, to attracting the perfect job offer.

When Kiah started coaching with the Alignment Academy, she was unemployed and tired of having to work at jobs she wasn't passionate about. With alignment coaching, she manifested a job that fit everything she was looking for--a role where she could use her creativity, work remotely, do less than 5 hours of work a day, and make her target income!

laura moved to her dream spot

I finally moved into my dream apartment in New York City.

Laura came into the Alignment Academy wanting to move to her dream apartment in NYC. By the end of the program, she manifested it! Watch the video for her story.

madee multiplied her biz revenue

“People started booking my premium packages!"

As a self-employed photographer and mom of 3, Madee was struggling with navigating the lows in life, which was impacting her business. A few weeks into alignment coaching,  she learned the tools she needed to be more resilient and feel confident in herself--which helped her manifest bigger and better in her biz!

basma attracted love

“I manifested my dream relationship.”

When Basma started alignment coaching, she was skeptical about dating and doubted whether or not she'd find the right guy.  By the end of her coaching journey with the Alignment Academy, she attracted someone who fit her description of a dream guy--and he treats her like a queen!

jeanne went viral

“I manifested going viral on Tiktok and being featured in news articles!”

Jeanne was in retirement after spending her entire career climbing a corporate ladder, and she felt like it was time to start a new journey as an author and speaker. With the guidance of the Alignment Academy, she was able to step into her confidence and manifest a platform on Tiktok  (PLUS invitations to be featured in news articles!). Watch her testimonial video below for the full story.

kiah'S story

madee'S STORY

real results

Alignment coaching helped Carissa quit her 9-5 and pursue her dream of being an author.

real results

Steve Started His Own Biz

"Ginny changed my life. My whole damn life. I simply wouldn't be where I am in my business if not for her."

You're doing better than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take things to the next level... You just want someone to tell you what works.

and You're in the right place.

“You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it."

— albert einstein

By the end of alignment coaching, you will...

Have mastered powerful manifestation techniques that tap into your innate abilities.

Have a solid and simple routine that keeps your energy in alignment.

Hone your ability to attract your desires instead of chasing them. 

Build a resilience to negativity and setbacks, and have a deep-rooted understanding of inner alignment.

Embrace your authenticity and be your own biggest fan.

Be in tune with the innate wisdom of your intuition and trust yourself to make the right decisions.

apply NOW

“The shift I've seen in my mind, my happiness, and my confidence is something I will never take for granted."

-Madee L.

“After completing this program I finally started attracting my dream clients.”

Following that one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is.




Hey there!

I'm Nadia, your new favorite hype-woman.

I'm on a personal mission to empower women like you to bring their wildest dreams to life. As a living, breathing testament to the power of manifestation, I'm here to show you how to leverage the universal laws and align your energy to manifest all the things you've always wished for. 

But it wasn't always this way. 

2 years ago, I was miserable. I hated my job, I still hadn't found my purpose, money was a struggle, I didn't like who I was, and happiness felt hard to come by.

After being suddenly fired from my job, I saw it as the Universe's way of letting me know that it was time for me to get my sh** together and commit to taking my dreams seriously.

So I did my research on the law of attraction, quantum physics, psychology, spirituality, and human design until I came up with a fool-proof method to turn my dreams into reality...

And it worked. I manifested a 6-figure business doing what I love, monthly vacations, my very own podcast, and so much more--in the span of just a few months.

It wasn't luck.
It wasn't coincidence.
It wasn't even fate.

it was an intentional use of neuroscience, psychology, and the universal laws--and you can do it, too.

This Alignment Academy is the only one of its kind because...

it comes with a lifelong toolkit.

This isn't your average manifestation coaching program because it's not a quick fix--it's a lifelong investment. We equip you with a comprehensive toolkit to make sure that the principles of alignment and manifestation become a sustainable part of your everyday life. The skills and mindset you'll learn aren't just for the duration of your coaching journey, they're thoughtfully designed to help you stay in alignment long after coaching is over.

Basically, we give you the fishing rod instead of the fish--and that's what sets our program apart from the rest.

everything is customized just for you--and we make it fun.

We believe that manifestation isn't a one-size-fits-all process--and that your journey is as unique as you are. That's why our program is designed to help you understand yourself and uncover YOUR distinct manifestation method.

Instead of putting you through a cookie-cutter template (which can feel like an online course--boring and impersonal!), we work with you closely to align the program with your Human Design map, your lifestyle, and your personal preferences... making the process tailor-made, just for you. After all, when it comes to creating your dream life, it should be done your  way.

We also believe that a successful manifestation approach should be an intuitive, enjoyable process--not an obligation that feels like homework. That's why we show you how to make manifesting simple, fun, and effective--so you can actually look forward to it.

try alignment rituals that are simple + fun

learn at your own pace; no pressure

get live help from expert wellness coaches

Follow a proven roadmap, but do it your way

alignment coaching is jam-packed everything you'll need on your manifestation journey.

The Alignment Academy is like a well-stocked toolbox, brimming with everything you need to achieve inner alignment and manifest your dreams. But like any toolkit, its potential remains untapped until you put those tools to work. We equip you with powerful manifestation techniques, personalized strategies, and intuitive insights, but you'll have to implement them to get results--and if you can commit to doing the work, your success is guaranteed.

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

Mastering the life-altering practice of intentional manifestation

Building a unique manifestation strategy that empowers you to create the reality you desire

Attracting abundance and prosperity in all facets of your life, from relationships to career opportunities, that truly resonate with your authentic self

Assembling a personal wellness toolkit that supports your highest vibration and keeps you in alignment with your goals

Creating and maintaining a high-vibration lifestyle, optimized for the effortless attraction of your deepest desires

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life

Having the courage to do what you love most and say no to the rest

apply NOW


success rate

98% of students got the results they were looking for... and then some.

That's right. Almost every single alumni who has completed one of our coaching programs has seen tangible, life-changing results from the program, and that's because it's not just about providing knowledge. It's about fostering a transformation.

There's a reason why most of our student testimonials aren't just about manifesting their goals and desires--they're about becoming a totally new version of themselves and expanding the horizon of what they know, what they believe in, and what they're capable of.

But don't just take our word for it--apply for the program for yourself and join the 98% who've become their 2.0 selves.

This *is* for you if:

You're ready to tap into your potential and become your most powerful, leveled-up self.

You're ready for a life that's aligned with your deepest desires.

You're game to roll up your sleeves and do the inner work to change your reality.

You're comfortable with settling for mediocrity.

You don't want to invest time and effort into personal growth.

It's probably *not* for you if...

You aren't ready to challenge your current mindset.

Let's Do This Thing.

what are you waiting for?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the application process work?

Our application process is simple--it starts with a quick 10-minute form that you submit online. If you qualify for the program, we'll send you an email with a link to schedule a clarity call with an onboarding specialist where we'll delve into your current situation and your goals to determine if you're a good fit for one of our programs.

Click here for the application form.

What types of coaching are available?

We offer 1:1 coaching and group coaching to accommodate different learning styles and scheduling needs. 

What Are the time frames for coaching programs?

Coaching programs within the Alignment Academy range between 8 and 12 weeks.

Your onboarding specialist will go over all available options with you during your clarity call so you can choose the best fit for your alignment journey.

What if I want to know more about the alignment academy's programs?

If you qualify to enroll into the Alignment Academy and schedule a free clarity call with an onboarding specialist, you'll have the opportunity to ask any specific questions about our programs during that call. You can also send an email to with specific questions at any time.

How much does coaching cost?

There are several different programs in the Alignment Academy, anywhere between 1,111 and 10,000 USD. We offer flexible payment options (like monthly and weekly installments) so there's an affordable option for everyone.

How long are clarity calls?

Clarity calls are usually between 45 minutes to an hour long.

send us an email

still on the fence?

We totally get it if you're still wondering if alignment coaching is for you. After all, this is about you and your transformation - and we're here to help you make the best decision for your journey! Just shoot us an email with any questions, comments, or concerns and someone from our team will get back to you within 24 hours.